MS PROJECTS IN MADURAI a platform for nurturing innovative and pioneer ideas among young scholars and students to enrich their career prospective. We have served nearly students from all around the world with our esteemed service.You can also experience our work and standard, if you wish to be one among us.
- The Service Oriented Architecture in Mobile Cloud Computing based on Market-oriented architecture
- A new technology for process on mobile agent for a new mobile police spatial information service grid computing model
- The novel approach for the effect of student selfdescribed learning styles within two models to perform the teaching in an introductory data mining course
- An efficient performance of the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery based on the Systemic Framework for the Field
- A new mechanism for the Impact of Mobile Computing on Individuals, Organizations, and Society
- Efficient secure methodology Biometric Authentication used for Securing Mobile Cloud Computing
- An efficient usage of the Markov Chain Based Monitoring Service for perform the Fault Tolerance in Mobile Cloud Computing.(MS PROJECTS IN MADURAI)
- An efficient approach for a Early Deterioration Warning in General Hospital Wards based on Medical Data Mining
- Efficient performance of the data mining techniques in wireless sensor networks
- An efficient usage of the clustering data mining technique for the performance of an analysis on the impact of fluoride in human health
- A new mechanism on data mining of semiconductor manufacturing data process based on Structured database standardization framework
- An efficient method for Executing Data Mining Work flows on Grids based on a Service-Oriented Framework
- The performance of the unidirectional interaction based on Privacy preserving data mining
- New process of heterogeneous wireless and also mobile P2P networks by using Mobile cloud computing service
Recent Project Topics in MS
- A new methodology also for the High-Performance Mobile-Cloud Computing based on a Self-Cloning Agents Based Model
- The performance of the Energy Saving also in Mobile Cloud Computing by using a Various Techniques
- Process of Standard Approach to Protecting and also Securing of Mobile Cloud Ecosystems based on Mobile Cloud Computing
- A new mechanism for control the process of a mobile agent-based task seamless migration model for mobile cloud computing.(MS PROJECTS IN MADURAI)
- An efficient performance of the Message oriented middle ware service for mobile computing based on the Design of MOBILE MOM
- The new methodology also for the Situation-Aware Data Mining Service for the process on Ubiquitous Environments
- A new mechanism also for distributed data mining in HDFS
- The novel process of LTE-based Deployment based on Trust in Mobile Cloud Computing
- An efficient approach also for the Energy Efficient Mobile Cloud Computing in Wireless Energy Transfer
- The novel usage of the Bayesian Approach also intended for perform Modeling Rainfall Prediction by Using Data Mining Method
- An efficient mechanism intended for approach also for Understanding data mining and applying it to command, control, communications and intelligence environments