Research Institute
10A Surya Nagar
Openning Hours
9 - 6:30 MON - SAT

Military Robot

  Military Robot is a widespread project execute for certifying safety guide for employee’s life. Coal mine is composed of several precarious hazards that cause demise to human life, owed to the release of injurious gases that are harmful to health. Hence, to ensure safety precautions for coal mine labors, we develop a design of monitoring system for coal mine safety based on wireless sensor network and can bus system.

Recent technology for the speed of communiqué is expressively taken in account and faster data transmission helps to create decision earlier in saving one’s life. Military Robot projected system project is highly improved in the level of monitoring which diminishes the number of accidents in coal mine. Microcontroller is the soul of the entire model that connects CAN Bus and wireless ZigBee technology; major hardware components used in this system like temperature sensor, gas sensor, microcontroller, Zigbee module, can bus, buzzer to transfer the sensed information for future decision.