MAJOR PROJECTS IN MADURAI is a service started with the collaboration of top experts from the world. We can offer you plenty of topics in CLoudSim with the help of our wide experience and knowledge. Scholars, who feel to work with Cloud Simulation, can go for CLoudSim as it provides wonderful platform for simulation.
- A new approach a Fuzzy Query Routing in Unstructured Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks
- An efficient usage of Socio-Spatial Context also in Mobile Cloud Offload Process for Energy Conservation in Wireless Devices
- A new mechanism for Mobile Cloud-based Interactive 3D Rendering and Streaming System over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
- An efficient method Optimal placement of controllers in a resilient SDN architecture
- The usage of a High-Level Information Fusion Framework also for Situation and Threat Assessment in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- An efficient usage of Multiple Sinks for Near-Optimal Online Algorithm for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
- The performance of a bundling strategy approach to process the Smart data pricing models for the internet of things
- A new technique for Distributed Algorithms also for Joint Channel Access and Rate Control in Ultrasonic Intra-Body Networks
- The new mechanism for on the Spectrum and also Energy-Efficiency Tradeoff in Cognitive Radio Networks.(MAJOR-PROJECTS-IN-MADURAI)
- A novel method Joint Spectrum and Power Allocation also for D2D Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks
- New scheme Multi-flow scheduling in multi-hop underwater acoustic networks
- The performance of percolation theory also based Algorithm of optical transport network modeling
- A novel approach Fault-Aware Load-Balancing Routing also for 2D-Mesh and Torus On-Chip Network Topologies
Novel Research Topics
- A new mechanism for Distributed Heuristically Accelerated Q-Learning for Robust Cognitive Spectrum Management also in LTE Cellular Systems
- The novel technology for Farthest destination selection and Shortest Path Connection strategy for efficient multicasting also in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- An efficient performance of Development and Testing of a 3G/LTE Adaptive Data Collection System in Vehicular Networks
- A new mechanism for Selective Mobile Cloud Offloading also to Augment Multi-Persona Performance and Viability
- The usage of Software Defined Sensor Networks also for Adaptive Barrier Coverage
- The process of the multi-network control framework also based on industrial Internet of things
- A new method for Controlled data packets propagation also in vehicular Named Data Networks
- The new secure approach a Secure data aggregation with homomorphic primitives also in wireless sensor networks
- A new technique a low power software-defined-radio baseband processor also for the Internet of Things.(MAJOR-PROJECTS-IN-MADURAI)
- The new secure method High gain millimeter wave antennas also for 5G wireless and security imaging systems
- An efficient performance also Adaptive Management of Cognitive Radio Networks Employing Femtocells