Research Institute
10A Surya Nagar
Openning Hours
9 - 6:30 MON - SAT

Refund Policy

Refund Policy: we derive a cancellation and refund policy in motto to help our customer to have a proper knowledge about the conditions and procedure followed in our company and our policy is more liberal and it more open to the customer and it customer oriented.

We assure that if any customer is not satisfied with our product and they want refund means, we are ready to refund the amount with certain time period specified terms and conditions. Cancellation of the project or service is accepted only there is no chance for redo or the service cannot be delivered to the user.

Cancellation of project or service is accepted only there is prior notice from the user. Customers may not be worry about the refund process; user can get their refunded amount within one or two working days.

Refund amount is settled as a single payment. Refund and cancellation process is accepted only when the project or service developed does not satisfy the customer needs. Cancellation progress is starts when the user must provide a valid reason for cancellation.

Cancellation of project or service or product is accepted only in a specific period of time, we cannot cancel the project when certain check points in the projects are covered. User cannot cancel the project in middle phase and it is not accepted during the development stage or at the day of delivery.

Refund can be made as soon as when the customer accepts and sign in document mentioning about the cancellation. Refund amount is either made directly or it is credited in customer’s bank account if they provide their details.

Cancellation of projects is accepted only on working days or in working hours; cancellation is not accepted in government holidays, religious functions like diwali etc.

We always assure our customers that we are developing each project with great interest and passion hence there is ;less chance for cancellation, if our customer is not satisfy without product means user must report to us within specified period of time of agreement.

Our company accepts the cancellation for the products that are developed in our company only. We are not responsible for cancellation of agreement or project or service from our supporting companies or allied companies where user made direct contact with them and we don’t entertain such activities.

Cancellation of project is accepted in any mode of communication such as mail or through by phone, but for further progressing user must be present within the specified period of time and mention valuable reason for cancellation and mention how the project or service does not match their requirements.

If the user report for cancellation after development stages then user will be charged as a payment for development charge which is done so that it is necessary for user must agree our rules and payment methods.