Research Institute
10A Surya Nagar
Openning Hours
9 - 6:30 MON - SAT

Terms of Use

The users are requested to agree these set of terms and conditions as specified to use any service or features. Our company provides limited access and usage of the services which are readily available in this website. Users are not allowed to interrupt the working process of the site or block any services which are available at any cause.

Users are prevented to view the licensed documents and authenticated documents. The information presented in the site about the products or service is used for informational purposes only users are prohibited to copy the content or sale the information.

Users are allowed to share their view and they can post their queries about the product or services but it should be legible users are not allowed to use any characters to represent any, y they can post their queries and share their view about the project.

Users are not allowed to abuse the contents present in the site, and they are prevented to use any content and based on that viewers must threaten the company or any individual, and the users are restricted to upload any files that contain images which is obscene or indecent or any unlawful content.

Users are prevented to upload any virus, Trojan horses or any un-related software that affects the site or services and they are restricted to download the contents like copyright information from the website. Our company site may contain third party links or site and they are present only for the information purpose only to provide extra information to the users and it is not meant to sell any information or make any type of investment separately.

The project or services developed is nor for commercial use, the user cannot sale the project or service to others, legal actions are taken on the user who sale the project or services. The third party content present in the site is obtained from the reliable resources only, our company is not sole responsible for the information present in the third part website.

While using third party content sometimes users may leave the site and they can be directed to external website or website maintained by any external resources , our company is not responsible for information users may accessing the content at their own risk.

Our company can assure that the products are free from the Trojan horses and the viruses. Users are sole responsible for the product after the delivery because only one backup copy is maintained. The project developed from the company is registered under company act so that illegal usage of the products or services outside India is punishable offense.

We are not responsible for any goods or service that is purchased by the customer through our site from any third party associated with our company or through the advertisements. Users are not allowed to sale any product or service through the site.

Our company have full rights to change or update these conditions and terms at any time and these information are used for communication purpose only.